Those who know me well have suggested that I write a book about my experiences. Sounds like a good enough idea, eh? Actually, my life could fill more than one topic based book.
Evaluating motivation.
Now, lest I sound like some sort of saint, there is a motivation that would cause me to write a book, movie, or multiple songs about my life. That is, if it benefits other people. If my sharing helps to encourage another person, even one person, to hold on for another day, then revealing my inner self and becoming transparent would be worth the loss of privacy and divulging of secrets.
I realize there would be opportunities for gain in writing such a book, or books. Let me tell you, some of the things that have happened in my life are more interesting that an episode of your favorite soap opera. However, for myself, personally, and my view of integrity for myself, I have decided to evaluate the motivation behind the decision to write the book or not write the book.
I would not require, nor especially expect others to hold to the same viewpoint. After all, there may be a basis for their decision that I have not experienced, and therefore do not have the “perspective credentials” to make such an assessment.
But, alas, for me, I need to evaluate motivation.

So, here are a few possible motivations, as it relates to a book about my life. I could write it because I am hurt and angry. Well, nice thought (or is it?), but hurt, yes, angry, no. Should I be angry? Possibly. Does it add value to my life to be angry? No. I have worked through the forgiveness of those who have wronged me and there is not the vengeful anger residue that often times accompanies pain. This may not be the case for everyone, but for me, anger is not a motivation because it is not a factor.
I could write for financial gain. I mean, this would make a good book and movie. And, to be honest, I have thought about it (both book and movie), but we come full circle to the motivation. At this point in my life, I choose not to do it for financial gain because I don’t require it. And, it seems like there is a stigma that is attached to the project if it is only for financial gain. However, I cannot judge and I cannot declare that I would “never” do it for financial gain because, I would probably do so if my children were faced with death by starvation if I did not. However, that said, the motivation is no longer financial “gain” (above and beyond the normal financial requirements), but rather “avoiding starvation/death.”
I have worked through the forgiveness of those who have wronged me and there is not the vengeful anger residue that often times accompanies pain. This may not be the case for everyone, but for me, anger is not a motivation because it is not a factor.
Now, lest I sound like some sort of saint, there is a motivation that would cause me to write a book, movie, or multiple songs about my life. That is if it benefits other people. If my sharing helps to encourage another person, even one person, to hold on for another day, then revealing my inner self and becoming transparent would be worth the loss of privacy and divulging of secrets.
Oh, now you’re curious. You will just have to keep reading these positive thinking tips and see if you can catch a glimpse into my complex, or maybe not so complex tapestry of life and life’s experiences.
Oh, hey, I guess you could say I have defined the motivation, the timing, and hence the birth of!
tremendous issues here. I?
My website is Anxiety disorder.