Remember the story of the little red hen when you were a child? A story about a little hen with some sun-loving, dream-chasing friends that sat by watching her while she grew the grain, harvested it, turned it into flour, and baked some delicious fresh bread?
These friends of hers were eager to partake in the enjoyment of this fine-smelling, mouth-watering bread, but seemed to be “unavailable” at times when the little red hen needed help.
How many times, in our lives, do we pass by that little red hen who may need a helping hand and thought “not my job?”

Hey, there may be a few yummy bread crumbs waiting for you at the end of the path…
Don’t miss out.
It is so funny that you have written about this- I often talk about the "Little Red Hen" Syndrome. I like to look at the "other side" of the story, a look into the psyche of the little red hen, if you will.
This aside I am, like you, a firm believer in reaching out a helping hand-help a neighbor, help a friend or volunteer! Thanks for your inspiring words.
This piece was cogent, well-wrtiten, and pithy.
Yo, that’s what’s up trutuhlfly.
Great common sense here. Wish I’d tuhoght of that.