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I Am Lonely Without Him

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “I recently dumped my boyfriend. We were together for more than a year but we’re just 16 so it was probably not “love.” Anyhow, I dumped him because I thought that I was over him but now I feel very lonely and I feel very guilty, too! What do I do?”

Break-ups are always painful, even if you break-up for all of the right reasons and know, 100%, that you did the right thing by breaking up. The challenge when you are the “dumpee” (person being dumped) is a feeling of what-can-I-do-to-get-em-back. The challenge when you are the dumper (person doing the dumping) is was-that-really-the-right-thing-to-do.

I would not criticize you or claim that it was not “love” solely based on your age. It is true that you have not lived on this earth as many years as some of us, and your wisdom, let alone common sense, is still growing, but that is true of all of us. We are continually on an improvement path, a path of deeper understanding and wisdom (IF we allow ourselves to be).

I Want To Know About Persuasive Speech of Relationships

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “I’d like to know more about persuasive speech of boy-girl relationships.”

Persuasive speech for relationships. The first thought that comes to mind is, for what purpose? I know it doesn’t sound like that should matter. After all, you are asking how to do something.

The reason that it matters is because you have to look at the end result of your efforts to succeed with persuasive speech in a relationship. When persuasive speech is used in a seminar, or for a sales pitch, the end result is to sell the product (or speaker, or book, etc.). People hearing the persuasive speech expect to be “sold” and if they feel that things were not completely straight-up, they realize that it was a “sales pitch.”

When Will My Second Marriage Be Resolved?

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “Kindly tell me, When will my second marriage problem be resolved? Is it near or do I still wait longer? Thanks.”

I commend you for your effort in relationships. Your mention of this being your second marriage shows that you are not afraid of entering into relationships.

You use the word, “When” versus “How” which is a focus on a timeline, almost an endurance of this marriage rather than a focus on the steps that it takes to resolve the issues that plague it. It appears that you are attempting to endure the relationship so that you do not call it “quits” before it is time, causing people to think that you have not put your best effort forth.

==> Sidebar: Someone once told me that all divorces have a portion of responsibility on both sides. There is no such thing as 100% fault

Only You Can Decide When It’s Time To Turn Your Life Around

For many of us, there comes a time in our lives when we start to reflect on the past and think about deciding about our future. Some call it a ‘crossroads’ and that description usually fits the bill. You may be in your mid 20’s or perhaps late 40’s, it doesn’t really matter. What is [...]

I Am Generous, But My Husband Is Not

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “My husband does not buy anything for me, not even clothes, but I always buy for him.”

It is very nice of you to show your love for your husband by buying things for him. Hopefully, he appreciates it and realizes that you are showing your love for him.

Notwithstanding ulterior motives and manipulations and the like, the giving of gifts generally demonstrates love, however, the converse is not necessarily true. The lack of giving gifts is not a demonstration of a lack of love. That said, it would remain obvious that if someone does not love someone else, they are unlikely to give gifts.

Gary Chapman teaches the “5 Love Languages.” One of these languages is gift giving. People demonstrate their love via the top one or

How Do I Meet Women (Men)?

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “I want to chat with lady for free. I have no money to be a member of a site where I have to login.”

That is a tricky question as there are so many different ways to meet men and women.

You referenced web sites and looking for a free online source. Realize that you do “get what you pay for,” so a free online service may not be the quality (i.e. screening, etc.) that you are looking for, in a service. Also, it may not provide the matching metrics needed to find someone who is compatible. eHarmony is a service that brags about their scientific approach to finding someone who is a good compatibility match for each person, based on their profile. However, I realize that eHarmony is a not a free service.