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I Am In Love With A Younger Man

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers, “I am in love with a guy quite younger than me. I want a confirmation that he loves me, too.”

I believe you have two questions here, possibly three. Your reference to the “younger man” versus a reference to “a man” implies that possibly you are wondering about the age difference. Add to that the use of the word, “quite” and it seems like it may be more than a passing thought on your mind right now.

The other part of your question is something that we always want, and that is confirmation or validation that we are loved by the object of our desire. Hey, even an affirmation that our love for them is desired, is helpful!

The easiest answer, and yet, the hardest, to your second question, is to ask him. If he loves you, he will be able to handle the question, in his love for you. If he does not love you, then he may have a different reaction. However, that said, life is not always so black and white, as

Family Gift Idea

With the holidays approaching, there are different responses, especially with those who are trying to figure out how to compete with the holidays of the past, while not taking money out of the food or housing budget to do it. These are tough times, economically, and, in some cases, there is question on just how [...]

I Made A Mistake and Want To Be Forgiven

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “I recently had an argument with my wife that resulted in violence. I was able to hurt her physically by squeezing her arm to take her in the bathroom so our kids wouldn’t hear us, which resulted in a big bruise on her arm. I also verbally abused her. I never meant any of it.

Now we are separated for awhile. I really love her and I do not want us to get divorced because our kids are still small. May I ask some suggeations on how I can win her back and forgive me. Thanks.”

Oh, my heart goes out to both of you and to your kids. I really appreciate how you do not want to harm your wife and that you want to make changes to help make your marriage better. I can also appreciate how you did not want to harm your children by fighting in front of them.

One of the first things you will want to do is to apologize to your wife. Of course, you will need to wait until each of you have had time to cool off before you approach that subject.

Realize that your wife does not “have to” give you the opportunity to apologize and she is not obligated to forgive you. However, if she is gracious enough to give you the opportunity to apologize to her, share your heart, in the same way that you have here, in this question. Do

Do Long Distance Relationships Work?

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “Do you think having a long distance relationship works? We just see each other once a month during his trip here where I live.”

Long distance relationships CAN work, but they do not necessarily always work. But, then, if we think about it, not all relationships work, in the first place, do they?

If both parties want it to work, then it certainly can work, but the fact that it is long distance adds a monkey wrench into the whole situation by adding the complications of lack of time together, distractions that may turn into permanent relationship distractions, and a potential lack of cohesion in the relationship. However, comparing the long distance relationship to the local relationship, the same thing can happen when two people share their time with other interests, be it a heavy work schedule, different social groups, hobbies, etc.

Sometimes, distractions, like hobbies, can put a hindrance on the long distance relationship. And, sometimes, the distractions are not an

My Friend Is Angry With Me For Not Helping Her On An Exam

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers, “My friend is angry with me and not on talking terms with me because I did not teach her in the exam.

I am very depressed about it. I have talked to her about this, yet she is not ready to talk to me. What can i do???”

It is always hard when we care for someone deeply and they not only withhold the kindness, but are angry with us on top of it.

You mentioned that she is angry with you because you did not teach her in the exam. The question that I have is whether she is angry because you would not allow her to cheat off of you in the exam, or because she feels that you did not take the time to teach her how to pass the exam prior to the exam, whether that was a matter of time, a matter of expertise, or a matter of her understanding of the material. Either way, the success on the exam should not be the basis for your friendship. If the friendship is based on acquiring something from you (passing the exam), then it is not based on friendship but rather how she can manipulate you to obtain what she wants.

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Is Your Ex Stalking You? Know When to Get a Restraining Order Breaking up with someone is not easy; and it is even made harder if the person you’re cutting ties with has some sort of emotional or psychiatric problem that pushes him or her to stalk you. If you have separated from an ex-partner [...]