Deborah E answers the question, “Can you help me with my love problems? I’m so tired.”
Oh, I would love to be able to help you with all of your problems. But, like you, I am only human, only have a capacity for that level. There is no magic wand that I could wave, or anyone could wave, in my opinion, that would make all the love problems go away.
I can share this with you. In the process of working through the “love problems” in my own life, I have grown. My character has grown, I have learned new things and new perspectives and, you know what? I have become stronger, as a result. I realize that may sound like an easy answer, but the reality is that it is not easy, but it is worth it, again, in my experience.
Deborah E answers the question, “Is it possible I’m pregnant? I have had sex after my menstruation.”
Honey, it is possible you are pregnant. While there are times that is less likely than others, the only real way to ensure that you do not become pregnant is not having sex. In fact, even contraceptive measures such as birth control pills, with a very high success rate, does not make you immune to pregnancy, even when the pill is taken faithfully, daily.
My suggestion is that you obtain a home pregnancy kit, if you have one available in your area. Generally, they are available at drug stores and, even grocery stores, possibly some “dime stores” and corner markets. There are a wide variety of options available to you, to determine whether you are pregnant or not.
Whether the test shows positive or negative, set up an appointment to visit your doctor. In most places, the nurses and doctors will be very kind and will walk you through the testing process, as well as answering your questions regarding birth control and the most effective methods.
Life can be pretty fast-paced these days. When many of us aren’t working to keep food on the table and make our families happy, we are doing a wide variety of other things, and with what can feel like little to no time to get them done. How do you go about making time for memories during such tough times? Is there any way to keep up with it all?
We may not be able to do the work for you but what we can do is help you to come up with easier ways to track your life, your progress and all the changes that come along with it. Children grow up quicker than expected and people enter and leave our lives unexpectedly so no matter what you do, be sure that you enjoy each day to the fullest because all the little things count and you can never truly know how much time you have left.
Deborah E answers the question, “I want to always be positive….and perceive positive thoughts. How do I do this?”
I am so proud of you, that you want to be positive! You have taken the most difficult step, already, desiring to be positive! Pat yourself on the back and here is a big hug coming your way!
I think of positive thinking as a daily, almost moment by moment process. It is not necessarily a destination, but rather a journey. There are days when it may be more difficult. But, at the same time, as we learn to see the positive in circumstances, people, our surroundings, we become accustomed to the thought process and there are actually days that it is really easy to be positive. But, we have to cut ourselves slack, knowing that, in some cases, it is a matter of re-training how we think and view things. But remember, you can’t get there if you don’t want to, which is why your desire to be positive is so essential.
I am actually writing a free ebook
Does your partner’s sleeping habits affect you and keep you up at night? Does he seem to have a sleep disorder or does he find it uncomfortable to sleep in your bedroom? If so, then chances are you may not be sleeping too well at night either. When one partner is unable to sleep well, [...]
Deborah E answers the question, “Does he have the same feelings as me? I love him but we are so far away.”
It is always difficult when you love some one so much and do not know if they have the same feelings for you, let alone if those same feelings are to the same magnitude that you have for him or her.
The most effective way to get an answer to the question of whether he has the same feelings is to ask him. While there may be signs, body language, etc. that may give you the inclination that he may have the same feelings for you, there is no magic trick that can confirm it as well as asking him directly. Even asking friends or family of his, or asking your own friends will only give their interpretation and opinion, or possibly what they have heard from him directly, but if they are able to get the answer from him directly, to relay to you, you should be able to have the same access to information directly from him.