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A Helping Hand – Coping With A Terminal Illness

In terms of different ways of being knocked for six, being told that you are going to die is probably at the top of the list. We all like to think that we will live to a ripe old age, and that we will live to see our grandchildren grow up and have their own families. Sadly though, some of us will not live to see our own children pass this milestone, let alone our grandchildren. A terminal illness is so hard to deal with, and the physical side of the sickness is only part of the whole process. You can no longer plan for next year’s holiday and find it hard enough to see past today. This article looks at ways that people have dealt with hearing those terrible words, and how they have managed to continue with their lives.

How To Select The Perfect Band For Your Big Day

Whether looking for a musical guest for your wedding or another special event, such as a golden birthday party, there are a few things you want to take into consideration. Having the right band is going to mean a much more enjoyable experience – something that your guests are never going to forget. There’s nothing quite like a bit of music to liven up a party or set a calming

I Can’t Lose The Married Man I Love

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “I met someone married. i know this relationship is wrong, but I love him so much and I can’t lose him. What should i do?”

I can understand the feeling of true love and the desire to hold onto the one you love, forever, and wanting to be with that person always.

Before I answer your question, let’s play a little exercise, ok?

From the tone of your question, I believe that you are definitely experiencing very strong emotions for this man and desire to be with him. Let’s pretend, for a moment, that you are the woman that he married, and you have these feelings of love for your husband. How would you feel knowing that you may lose this man that you love and that he may love another woman?

My Ex Proposed To Me, But…

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “Hi,

I am from Mauritius. Actually, last month, my ex proposed to me again. He said that he really loves me and that he wanted to be with me again. After a few days, I told him, “Yes,” as i still have some feelings for him.

It’s been nearly one month that we have been together, but the thing is that he neither calls me nor texts me. It’s always me who calls him, but when I call him, it’s whether he is busy or there’s someone coming to disturb me.

We are never free for a real discussion.

I just want your opinion, what should i do? I really want things between us to get better but i don’t know how to do that.

Can you please help me?

Waiting for your reply, eagerly,


That is normally an exciting time, to accept a proposal and prepare for your future together with the person you love, and for that, I congratulate you.

However, from your tone in your letter, it sounds as if you have “settled” for this man. I do not get a sense that you are “jumping for joy” over the proposal or the idea of spending your life with him. That would cause me to be a bit concerned, in your shoes.

I once received the advice that you don’t marry the person you can live with, but rather, marry the person you cannot live without.

Is He Cheating On Me While Traveling?

Ask Deborah E

Deborah E answers the question, “I am in love with a certain man. He travels abroad and I stay in Kenya. He comes only ones a year. We met last year when he was in the UK and he told me he would go to my parents but he didn’t, when he came. I love this man. Or, is he cheating on me?”

It is really tricky and takes a lot of dedication and determination to maintain a long distance relationship. I do not know how much you see this man, or how much time you are able to spend with him, but a person who travels extensively, or even simply “quite a bit,” can cause a relationship to feel like it is a long distance relationship, even if you both live in the same town.

With these types of relationships, assuming there is an adequate enough trust basis to start out with, you need to practice trust. In other words, you need to take efforts, even, possibly more than an in-town relationship, to develop that trust, to nurture that trust, and to “self-talk” that trust. If there is reason for you not to trust, you can address that issue.

Be careful that you do not easily throw away trust without provocation or cause to dispel of that trust. At the same time, you want to be

How To Choose A Birth Control Option Suited To You

If you are being sexually active, it is extremely important that you are safe and using a contraceptive suited to your needs. You can choose from a variety of different methods, each method designed to suit your needs.
To help discover what contraceptive method is best you, you should see what options are available for you.
The Combined Pill
This form of oral contraceptive is also known as ‘the pill’, it contains artificial