Having a baby is an incredibly exciting and life changing event. Nothing will ever be quite the same once you’re a parent and for at least the first few years this is all that’s ever going to be on your mind.
Of course the priority now is to look after your children and to make sure they are not only safe, but also happy and stimulated. The way you act now will influence them for the rest of their lives and this can leave you in something of a flap so that you forget all the other things you need or want to be doing. This is a real shame though if it means that you don’t find time to take pictures and otherwise cement the memories of your child’s infancy – as this is a time that you will be sure to want to look back on fondly and to share with friends. So how do you make sure that you make memories that last?
Deborah E answers the question, “I am a newly married girl and I have a very happy married life. My husband loves me a lot, but now I’m pregnant. We were not planning for a baby, yet, but, unexpectedly I got pregnant. My husband never talks about the baby. He always takes care of me. He always used to say take care of yourself, but never says take care of the baby as well and never shows any excitement towards the baby as the other fathers do. I’m so depressed. Tell me what I should do ..”
I am a newly married girl and I have a very happy married life. My husband loves me a lot, but now I’m pregnant. We were not planning for a baby, yet, but, unexpectedly I got pregnant. My husband never talks about the baby. He always takes care of me. He always used to say take care of yourself, but never says take care of the baby as well and never shows any excitement towards the baby as the other fathers do. I’m so depressed. Tell me what I should do ..
Oh, honey, I ache for you. It is a tough job, physically, emotionally, relationally, everything-ally, to carry a child within you and to have your body going through all sorts of different things, your emotions on roller coasters and hormones making you feel like you are not the same person. But, what you are experiencing is very beautiful and I’m sure you realize that. I also don’t want you to worry so much about the situation that you
Thinking of all the new possibilities when moving is half the fun. Imagining the way you can decorate, the color palettes you can use, the way you will organize your kitchen. Planning to add a deck or a fire pit can be so exciting. Checking out the local restaurants and shops is a great way to meet new people. Expanding your horizons, learning about the new neighborhood, it is all
Deborah E answers the question, “I’ve been in a relationship for 3 years with a guy. Last week he told me that he does not want to continue with me further. i was collapsed after hearing this. He says he wants to make his career so that he can concentrate only on his work. He said for me to never call or try to contact him. i cant understand how can he can do this. I don’t think he loves me anymore. Besides, we had our normal fights. Last year he had also broken up for some other gal in his life, but still i accepted him and gave him a chance. Please help me. What shall I do? Will I get my love back forever?”
Oh, the pain of heartbreak. There is nothing quite like it, and it hurts so deeply. My heart goes out to yours, in what you are going through right now.
Three years is a long time and the longer the relationship goes on, the harder it is for a break-up and the more “pull” we feel to get back together again, as if life will never return to normal without that other person. We have become so accustomed to being with that person, good, bad, and otherwise, that being apart sometimes seems unbearable. That only puts more stress on an already touchy situation.
Deborah E answers the question, “My boyfriend wants to go swimming with his school guy friends. Should I give him my permission? I’m jealous and worried because there are some girls who will be there. :(“
I can certainly understand your concern. And, we women tend to be wired in that way, to fear that other women may attract our man.
Let’s play a little game for a moment. But, before we do, let me ask you this. Do you require your boyfriend give you permission before you go shopping with the girls? If the answer is, “Yes,” that he has to give his permission, how does that make you feel? If that is the way that you want it, then, I suppose the relationship is right where you want it to be and you both are comfortable asking permission of each other before making decisions. That is not a bad thing, just something that you and your boyfriend need to be able to articulate, as far as comfort levels and boundaries.
These days there are so many marriages that do not last the distance, and they often end in a sad and bitter series of arguments. Perhaps couples no longer feel that they can continue in this seemingly doomed relationship. The children suffer as they are forced to ensure endless arguments about pointless issues. When you have made the decision to call it