Life can be pretty fast-paced these days. When many of us aren’t working to keep food on the table and make our families happy, we are doing a wide variety of other things, and with what can feel like little to no time to get them done. How do you go about making time for memories during such tough times? Is there any way to keep up with it all?

We may not be able to do the work for you but what we can do is help you to come up with easier ways to track your life, your progress and all the changes that come along with it. Children grow up quicker than expected and people enter and leave our lives unexpectedly so no matter what you do, be sure that you enjoy each day to the fullest because all the little things count and you can never truly know how much time you have left.
Time Capsules

Does anyone remember those time capsules that as kids we used to put our most prized possessions in and bury somewhere in the yard for future generations to find? While this is one way to save memories, it may not be exactly what you’re looking for today. That’s where the internet comes into play. Treat the internet like your personal time capsule. You can choose to use websites such as Kodak in order to create fun personal items such as calendars or coffee cups with photos of your favorite moments of 2012 as a way to keep the past alive.
Automatic Storage You Never Have to Think About
Looking for a way to simply store your photos so you can access them at a later time, without needing to put too much time into it? A lot of computer security software, such as Norton actually do this automatically; all you have to do is tell them which types of files you want to have backed up when you first sign up. You can even choose to set up how frequently your most important photos, videos and more are added to the cloud. When you want to access your memories, all you have to do is log into your account. Everything will be stored in one, easy location.
Ideas for Non-Techie Folks
Even if you don’t consider yourself good with computers and want to stick with something a bit simpler, there are many ways to keep your memories lasting a lifetime. One great idea that is not only quick but a lot of fun is decorating your home with your favorite photographs. Create collages or purchase eye-catching frames that can hold a variety of different shaped and sized pictures. This is going to give your home and your walls much more depth and is a great thing to talk about when you have guests over. Maybe you want to show off your latest fishing trip or your family vacation photos from Disneyland. Solid color walls just don’t offer as much personality.

Photo Albums are another really fun way to capture and show off the favorite moments of your life thus far. You can choose to create unique albums for each event; such as tracking your child’s growth or maybe showcasing your wedding. Many people choose to create a life-long scrapbook that you put everything in and keep organized by year. These can work for a single person or even as a way to track the relationship with your partner. No matter how you choose to go about doing it, generations to come are going to have a good feel for what your life was like and who you were.
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License: Creative Commons image source
License: Creative Commons image source
License: Creative Commons image source
License: Creative Commons image source
This is a great post about keeping memories. I met someone special last year and have been wanting to begin a scrape book of our journey together. Thank you for helping me to have a way to store these memorabilia until I’m ready to put it all together.
Thanks for sharing. Sally
Yes, this was a great guest post by Rose. Thank you. Some great ideas for how to create memories, even for people, like me, who spend *too much* time on the computer 🙂 That is so cool that you are thinking about a special one for your journey with your friend. I would love to read your thoughts as you journey through the process.
Hi Deborah,
I hope to get the scrapbook and materials this week and will let you know how it goes. I sure hope I don’t pull my hair out doing it as I’m not very crafty! Sally
Oooh! That sounds like fun! I wonder about a virtual scrapbooking party… maybe on G+ Hangout 😉