Deborah is a #1 Jazz Singer, as well as a lifelong musician, songwriter, and sound engineer. She is also a writer who pursues a love of positive psychology. She is a thesis short of having her doctorate in psychology.

Latest posts by Deborah (see all)
- Positive Persistence When Being Iced - 07/27/2024
- Mother-in-Law Bullying: How Do I Find the Courage to Survive? - 10/29/2023
- He Has Changed. How Do I Change Him? - 05/21/2021
When you think negative thoughts, it comes out in your body language. Someone prone to negativity may feel all too tempted to mirror that. Try coming at them with the positive mindset you wish they had. Expect the best in them. You never know when you might be pleasantly surprised.
I am almost a week late on my period. I am getting sick and dizzy all day. Very tired, sore breasts and bloted for the last 2 weeks. I have taken 4 HPT’s and all were negitaive. I called my Dr. and have an appointment schedualed for next Tuesday. When I was supposed to start last Friday I started spotting a little and only spotted until Saturday Morning. Also 9 days after having unpertected intercourse I spotted as well. Last time this happened was almost 4 years ago and I was pregnant then. I took a HPT and it was positive a week after my missed cycle. I’m getting concerened because I wasn’t trying to get pregnant and I’ve been trying to “talk myself out” of the symtoms (symptoms) I’ve been having. Getting sick with smell of certin foods, brushing my teeth and smoking, which all were signs last time. Need some advice. I’m worried something else might be going on besides being pregnant. What other things could it be? I’ve tried looking it up but have found nothing. Any help would be greatly appriciated.