Now, lest I sound like some sort of saint, there is a motivation that would cause me to write a book, movie, or multiple songs about my life. That is, if it benefits other people. If my sharing helps to encourage another person, even one person, to hold on for another day, than revealing my inner self and becoming transparent would be worth the loss of privacy and divulging of secrets.
I mean people have a right to be rude, don’t they? But, then, we have a right to NOT be around rude people. I’d like to think that we have the right to tell people they are being rude
Why am I so thankful? It is simple, really. I enjoying being happy and looking at the cup as half full instead of half empty makes me happy in my journey to find good in everything. Sometimes it may be difficult, but that just means it is a bigger challenge and I love challenges!
In very general terms, toxicity is a negative environment, created verbally, non-verbally, behaviorally, etc, but not necessarily personally directed with intention (although it often masquerades and “feels” that way).
So you see, the existence of the “Kick Me” sign is really irrelevant when you are dealing with a scorpion. It is simply their nature to sting (or kick, as the case may be).
Life is short. You never know when you have traveled your last mile. Spread it with positive outflows and you will reap its benefits.